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The Truth of Social Media?

The Truth of  Social Media?

Cruel comments on the social network, several comments emerging on Facebook following the death of four people during the ascent. We are working with an addicted generation. This is a time bomb. These youngsters are committing suicide and looking at their Instagram, you have no idea what is going on. Mr. Zuckerberg, Would you like to share the name of the hotel that spent the night? No. People who spend more time on Facebook are more likely to have depression than those who do not useless. Relationships are destroyed. This will cost you time and money and make your life worse. Being human means that you can be manipulated. In all moments. It does not matter which language you speak. You are so smart. This is not what you know. It is about how your brain actually works. 

And now we know that many social networks hire people called Attention Engineers who use casino principles, such as Las Vegas, among other places, to make their products more and more addictive. We are all vulnerable to the approval of others. We really care about the opinions of others about ourselves. When you share a photo of yourself on Facebook, your mind is sensitive to what other people will think about your new photo. And when we get "Like" in our new photo. Facebook warns you to know that "there are new likes in your photo." Facebook knows you are weak right now. Because we care when we are tagged in photos or when we have a new photo. I think we can all feel it. As if we were infected. 

As if they had pierced our heads and injected a virus. And now we are constantly looking for feedback while using social media. We know that social networks and the use of our cell phones release a substance called dopamine. Dopamine is the same hormone that makes us feel better when we smoke, when we drink and when we gamble. In other words, The Truth of  Social Media is extremely, addictive. An entire generation with access to an alcoholic hormone called dopamine through social and cellular networks, while experiencing a high level of stress. 

They lack the skills to deal with stress, so when they start experiencing significant stress in their lives. They do not seek a person, they seek social networks. They look for things that provide temporary relief. We know, science is clear. We know that people who spend more time on Facebook are more likely to have depression than those who spend less time on Facebook. This is a problem. It is an addiction. If you are in a meeting with people you should pay attention to and talk to, and you put your cell phone on the table. "You are not that important to me" so we have an addicted generation who do not have the skills to ask for help. Along with the fact that they are great with Facebook and Instagram. They are very good at filtering everything, so they are good at showing how smart and strong they are. These youth are committing suicide and if you look at their Instagram, you will not know that they are depressed. People feel that they actually have a better life. People post photos when they are happy, and change photos to look more beautiful. People realize that they are more beautiful than they really are. And they are really happy. If you see others on Instagram, you might think, "All these happy people and ... I'm not so beautiful and so happy, so I'm a failure.

" Some of these happy people are actually unhappy in real life. Social networks are not real. You will never see the reality of real life. 99% of our lives, behind pictures that are not glamorous, our everyday lives without filters. And we compare our actual routine to the false best moments of others. And we use others as a mirror or as a reference to determine how we should look, how successful we should be, or how we should live. Our happiest version is when we stop to see what the other is. And they know that it causes depression. They are putting things in your head that you did not ask for. Our lives are essentially becoming more transparent, they are pulling us. It will destroy relationships, cost time, cost money, and make your life worse. If you spoke to someone this week, would you tell us the name of the person you talked to? Do not do this.

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