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What If You Meet a Time Traveler?

What If You Meet a Time Traveler?

If time travel is possible, why have we not met a single passenger so far? And if we met one, how would we know that they were not doing it? In 1998, a gentleman by the name of John Tutor arrived from the future. Or so he said. In its timeline, as they claimed, General Electric succeeded in inventing time travel in the year 2034. He showed and described his time-traveling device in great detail. And then the tutor disappeared, as soon as he appeared. Did he complete his mission? Or was it real? If we were able to prove that someone traveled from a different time, it would be great for science. Although this may overwrite Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. Einstein saw time as the fourth dimension. Space is a three-dimensional spectrum that gives us length, width, and height. Time provides direction. Together, they form a space-time continuum. And it can be influenced by gravity. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, gravity is a curve in space-time. And technically, because space and time are one, gravity can also bend time and space. 

Is What If You Met a Time Traveler? But you really need something big to notice any change in the speed of time. If you somehow managed to get yourself closer to a black hole, such as Dhanu A, you would experience time at half the speed of people on Earth. The reason for this is that Sagittarius A packs a mass of four million suns into an infinitely dense point, creating a very strong gravitational field. Another way to travel in time is to move really fast. The closer you go to the speed of light, the slower the speed passes for you. If you were a passenger on a train that could travel at 99% of the speed of light somehow, every year that you spent on the train would be 223 years back at the station. This will make you a time traveler in the future. The tutor claimed that it is a small machine that makes time travel possible in any direction. The C204, as he said, allowed him to manipulate gravity with the help of two subtle eccentricities that were packed inside. It also had gravity sensors to lock the machine and time traveler to a certain place in space. The tutor had this machine installed in a car, much like the very old, very well-traveled Delran. But it would take him only 60 years away from his time. Proving that someone is actually a time traveler can be harder than time travel. Time travelers could make predictions about the future, show their future technology, or even do some genetic testing to support their story. Maybe the best way to prove time travel is to take them to your next adventure. Of course, there are easy ways to prove the possibility of time travel. In 2009, world-renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking threw a party. Not to any party, but to one, who was only invited for future travelers. Hawking did not send the invitation until after the party. He believed that if future travelers reached there before the invitation was issued, it would prove that time travel would one day become possible. He waited there for hours, but no one showed up. This does not mean that time travel is impossible. There is a chance that future travelers will learn to use a wormhole, or "bridge", in space-time. We haven't seen one of them yet, but ... the theory of general relativity predicts that they exist. The biggest problem with wormholes is that they become too subtle and collapse too quickly for a human passenger to go through. But perhaps the reason for Hawking not joining the party is that the travel time would not be as accurate. The guests may have come from the future, but they were too late for the party. Or maybe going back on time is strictly prohibited for time travelers, because if they do, they can completely change their timeline. Perhaps they are trying to avoid the risk of spreading any disease on us from the far future. Or perhaps the information about time travel is so highly classified that only a few people will be trusted with it. It may not be possible to travel back after time. Perhaps time can only move forward and never retreat. Perhaps John Tutor was a big lie. We have a few more years until 2034. In a way, we already have travelers in our lifetime. The astronauts on the International Space Station are moving at a speed of 8 km / s (5 mi / s). This slows down their lifespan, although this difference is measured in hundredths of a second. But if you are listening, you are invited to a reception for travelers hosted by Stephen Hawking. The party will take place on 28 June 2009 at Cambridge University, UK. RSVP is not required. And hey, if you have the chance to jump into a spacecraft and enjoy the time travel effects of a black hole, just make sure not to fall into that gravity monster

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