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How to WIN At The Game Of Life

How to WIN At The Game Of Life

I want you to imagine a board game similar to chess, but one where hundreds and hundreds of boards are backed-up in a game where each step you take is equal to the time of a day in thousands. Possible game. Thousands of different options symbolize those who can welcome you to the game of everyday life. Now the fact of the matter is whether you are playing this game or not, you know every single day that you bring the right trick. Whether or not you are close to a happy and fulfilling life or you are taking the wrong step by moving ahead of all this good stuff and for the world is close to all the agony and suffering that I am getting now, I have good news And the bad news is that the game of life is long, most players get to make about 28 000 moves which are worth about 79 years before the game is over. The even better news is that you have to play perfectly. 

No need only you can make a lot of mistakes and as long as you make more correct than wrong steps then you will still win in the game of life, you will still be happy and can do dozens of right moves from above. You can make it every day, so it's not like you have to figure out what you have to do. Just you have to figure out one of the many right things and if you can take many right steps in a row then start benefiting. To compound and you will succeed at an astonishing rate. Now let's talk about the bad news. The bad news is that if you make a bunch of wrong moves and don't learn from those mistakes if you make the wrong choice. If you continue, your life will be repeated again A twist for the worse and you will find that you will find yourself falling deeper into the life of a never-ending pit, starting to feel like hell on earth if you constantly take many wrong steps then I will give you I want to end this little experiment by telling you the best news. 

The best new one is that anyone can win in the game of life, even if you don't realize how many wrong steps you have taken recently Have been or what is your current life a situation like you are still a very good shot to find happiness and fulfillment in life. The only question is how do you know how to do the right trick. There are three ways to do well. First is that sometimes through luck we don't know what to do and we just randomly choose what to do. What to make and what to do by pure coincidence shows that we have done the right thing. The other way is that mentors are good mentors, essentially people who are successfully playing the game of life, as much as they can look over your shoulder on your board and help you correct and differentiate them. Wrong tricks, but good mentors are far away and if you reach out to someone, definitely try to nurture that relationship and the third way to make the right move is the most important that it is through knowledge that happens Is when you can tell right from wrong on your own. 

This is the most important of the three because you have been able to trust yourself at the end of the day when your mentor teacher and parents cannot hold your hand. The great and always great thing about knowledge is that anyone can cultivate it by studying three simple subjects. The first subject is human behavior which you need to study how people think and behave that people can use in certain scenarios. What will they most likely do, why do they do things that are? What are some patterns that appear repeatedly in some cultures as to what people want in life, you should study human nature because of the fact Is that we live in a world run by humans? Humans are the only species on this planet that are capable of accomplishing great things and are only able to bring about mass destruction and if you know how humans act So you can predict the future. For example, with far greater accuracy I know that humans have a hubby. As a species, we do not like to take action on inheritance unless the problem is so serious. To know that we can no longer ignore it, just note that we How we reacted to the virus, we didn't really do anything, until it was already too late. I was feeling that it would come back when I first read about the virus. I saw how América was responding to this. With a price of 50 percent in just a few months I was able to take the right steps because I understand human behavior. Now the question is how do you improve your understanding of human behavior and first of all you should read psychology books Like the Law of Human Nature by Robert Green that breaks it down to the utmost detail, you can read some history books such as Yuval Ferrari, which will give you insight into what humans have done throughout history.

And why and finally you can learn from experience by exposing yourself to as many human interactions as possible which will allow you to become more familiar with your patterns over time. Of course, you should wait until this second topic Before the epidemic does not end, you have to study the current events. Now many people in the world of self-improvement will tell you that you should stay away from the news as much as possible because it will bring a lot of negativity in your life but I think That you should keep current events with you because it essentially determines the roles of the game. Let me explain a year ago that before we had an epidemic we were essentially playing a completely different game that was right The trick was supposedly completely different from right back in that world. Back in this world, you can still open a small business with a physical location and nowadays we all hope to do well owl. Such a task is practically impossible if you were unaware of current events. You didn't know about the epidemic, unless it really came to your neighborhood and you decided to start a business with a physical place in life, you'd be absolutely screwed. On the other hand, if you read about the virus as if I were alive then I must have felt that the game was about to change and you should hold off on any major decision until you see how it plays. It's not foolish to Read the news because the world is constantly changing if you are caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. After all, you are not aware of these changes, it can literally be the worst move of your life. 

Imagine being stuck in a country because its government collapses like we are currently seeing in many places around the world, you won't even have time to worry about self-improvement because you have to worry about survival, now there is some truth about these people. About the news says that if you spend too much time reading, it can definitely bring a lot of negativity to your life. That's why I suggest you either just once a week or here Even update yourself once every two weeks, if you feel particularly sensitive or if you like me And if you don't feel like doing it daily, then make sure to do it, later on, the day when you have already finished all your work so that it does not become a hindrance to your attention why this episode is called you're Brought to help. Morning Brew Morning Brew is a free daily newspaper that arrives in your email inbox from Monday to Saturday and they simply update you on the latest news in a fun and entertaining way. Great because it allows you to keep up to date with current events without spending hours on real news sites. The morning brew compiles the most important news of the day to read the simple and easy email that you can consume in less fathom N Last week he covered the current drama running in the post office, in which he also gave me some statistics about how colleges are operating during the pandemic, you can subscribe to some of his alternative newsletters, which focus on business marketing techniques Let's focus and much more morning brew is completely free of any strings, all you have to do is click the link in the description box below and enter your email and this is how you get the daily newspaper And you can unsubscribe at any time if you want. There is an easy way to keep up with current events, so I suggest you check them back on the subject now that the subject you need to study is nature facts. It basically makes sense. Is how nature works on things like physics, biology, technology, etc. And you need to study it because these things prove to be true and will continue to be true no matter what the circumstances are, we can be unethical that an apple will fall when you leave it due to gravity. We can predict that a virus will spread more quickly nowadays because by international air travel we can infer that people in cities with high air pollution will have more health problems, these are just the facts of how the world works now. How this translates into making the right moves in life. Let me give you an example that based on what I have learned about the climate, I predict that global warming will cause sea levels to rise much faster than people. And if I had someone who had planned to invest in real estate to develop my wealth.

And if I lived in a place like New York City or the southern part of Florida, I would be absolutely spoiled if I doubled over and started buying properties in those areas, because in a few years there is a possibility that my properties There will be floods and I will find that after knowing that I can invest in real estate in other areas, which is less likely to be affected by climate change, which is a higher probability of being the right move. That the laws of nature can be a bit difficult to study because most of us are not scientists, which is why the best option is to consume the material from those who specialize in specific fields, but it is also important to note That you will find people who support both sides that most scientists believe in climate change but there are still some. In these cases, it is not important to listen to both sides of the argument and see who gets to know their facts. Comparing feelings with facts back The side with more evidence is usually correct, although sometimes evidence can be created so that you have to do a good amount of research, you can also test to see if they are saying that the rising sea level For example you are right. You can see the amount of snow in the Arctic once you see that it is on record lows this year which supports the idea that climate change is actually happening and that is why humans Are sure to study nature's current events and nature's laws extensively so that your chances increase. If you can do the right steps in the game of life, then you will be able to get more happiness in life and you will also be able to avoid unnecessary pain and suffering.


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